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"No Finish Line" - Nike's Design Vision for the Next 50 Years

"No Finish Line" - Nike's Design Vision for the Next 50 Years

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Nike 新書《No Finish Line》回顧了品牌 50 年來在服務運動員和運動的過程中,勇於改變遊戲規則的設計和創新,並為下一個 50 年設定了新的願景。期望能邀請並激勵下一代的運動員去想像設計和運動的無窮可能性。

這本書內容由幾個部分組成,包含 Nike 首席設計師 John Hoke 的序言、記者 Geoff Manaugh 撰寫的虛構小說、《Nike: Better is Temporary》作者 Sam Grawe 撰寫的文章,文章描述了未來幾十年設計界可能出現的五大轉變。他更採訪了十多名 Nike 的設計師、科學家、工程師、研發人員和主管,以便對 Nike 揮灑創意的過程進行深刻剖析,並匯集起來,預測未來的設計走向。

這本書所散發的希望和進步氣息能推動讀者前進,因為《No Finish Line》是從運動員、設計師和科學家的視角定義 Nike 的創新文化,被讚賞的並非是設計的成果,而是一段不斷創新、沒有終點的旅程,並認為所有人只要勇於創造,就能打造一個更美好的未來。

“No Finish Line” is Nike’s design vision for the next 50 years. Through exploratory, multilevel conversations encompassing both design and critical inputs to it — like sport research, technology and manufacturing — this research project celebrates 50 years of game-changing design and innovation in the service of athletes and sport. With a foreword by Nike’s Chief Design Officer and specu- lative fictions by Geoff Manaugh, the book features essays by Sam Grawe (author, “Nike: Better is Temporary”) describing five major shifts design may undergo in the coming decades as it evolves from product to platform, performance to promise, elite to everyone, sustainable to symbiotic, and static to sensorial.


Specifications:192 Pages
Designed by ZAK Group
Illustrations by Bráulio Amado
Published by ACTUAL SOURCE books

Actual Source 來自美國猶他州,是一間具備多種形式的出版社、品牌和實體書店,由 Davis Ngarupe 與 JP Haynie 所創辦,專精於與各當代藝術家、設計師合作推出限定版本書籍、字體、服飾以及小物,近年由於其獨特的美感和設計風格在歐美、日本掀起一陣波瀾。
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